onsdag 21 december 2011

Eventful days

Listen Swedish people, I have heard some major news!!! 
Apparently swedish isn't a common world language.......
Seriously I thought that everybody knew swedish.. I mean, I could speak swedish since I was around 1 year so how hard could it be....???
I have also heard that it sounds like some sort of Indian language when we talk to each other!

American friends we are going to try to write in English so you guys can understand all the important things we write about.... For example; How can Oscar drink beer so fast?

These past days have been fully loaded of different things:

  • Oscar beat Shiloh in beer shotgun off course (who can beat him in beer drinking?)... After that Oscar tought him a very important sentence in swedish "In i dimman"= Drunk as hell... And I called him Arthur the whole evening.

  • Our 200 pounds and 7feet big strong bulldog has moved out. 
  • Our parents have arrived safely in California. Except that their six bags didn't arrived with them, and three of those bags were mine and Oscar's... Shit happens.....

  • Oscar's father has tought us how to play real beach volley.

  • We are trying to make our parents get over the jet lag..
  • Oscar has been forced to visit the hospital because of his sore throat and cough =(... 
  • Our primary mission for now is to show the real California to our parents. and to make sure that oscar is getting better..... 
We have already had some really hectic days and the vacation has only started for our parents but don't worry we are going to have some nice and relaxing days also....

Have a good night
 Mrs A     

2 kommentarer:

  1. Vad duktig du blivit på språket Linda, inponeeeerad :)
    Ååå vad härligt att se din föräldrar hos er, hälsa så jättegott till dem.
    Puss puss

  2. hihih tack min bastaste sotis!!!!! jag ar glad att engelska kurserna har gett utbetalning!!! miss you pusssssssss
